Thursday, October 25, 2012

Appreciate the beauty of Life

A week ago, I received a text from an old friend who’s living abroad and she told me that she won’t be coming back to Philippines and she’ll be staying in there for good.  I was kinda sad ‘coz I may not see her again but somehow I felt happy for what she have a good and happy life.  This makes me realized how people in our lives come and go,  in a way we simply didn’t expect, it’s indeed true that we often appreciate things when they’re gone, we know their value and importance once they’re not around and thus it’s right to cherished whatever we have, it might person, things, good health, love and everything that makes us happy, makes us able to live, enjoy and experience the gift of life.   

On the other day, I had this very irritating mouth sore and it losses my appetite, left me hungry, and give me hard time brushing my teeth and you know what those moment makes me promised myself to eat whatever I like and stop on diet. He…he…he…   Well anyways, life can be really funny for we make stupid things, and life can be fun for we never fear to try and experience the gift of life, see the beauty of it and live with it.  I just hope and wish everyone to keep on going, to keep on believing that life is beautiful and never quit living and doing good until the end.

I hope you will love and enjoy my images and quotes.  Have a wonderful day and may God Blessed us All…

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I need Love

This is my second time on my blog where I talk about Love.  For me it’s the most interesting topic because love is the reason why we are born and the reason why we keep on living in this quite tough and crazy world it’s the thing that keeps us sane and it’s the only thing that makes the world worth living for, despite all that bad things that keeps on happening around us.  For love is the greatest gift that God gives us, it’s the gift that makes us live and makes us able to see life and beauty in this world.
There might be some of you who cried, scream and swear not to live because someone left you, somebody hurt you or disappoint you, or perhaps you failed on achieving your goals and dreams and you find no reason to live at all.  Well there’s one thing I can say, there’s always a reason to live because, you’re not yet done on reaching your dreams, and there are still people who depend on you and who loves you, who needs you because their life won’t be complete without you.  You might ask and wonder who are they? Well they are your friends, family, brothers and sisters or even a stranger who needs your help. Because we need each other in order to live.  And we need you to be part of our life.

Well I hope you will have a great and wonderful. I wish my thoughts and images will somehow inspire you to live, love and enjoy life.  May God Bless Us All…